gemma! gemma!

Welcome to gemma! – GEMEINSAM MACHEN

We are a young, committed association that promotes intercultural exchange between young people through diverse leisure activities, various projects, workshops and an advice centre (Erzählcafé & Infobüro). Our activities are based on the interests, concerns and needs of our participants and seek to create space for integration and inclusion.

Our goal is to facilitate active dialogue between young people from different cultures and thus contribute towards a society of peaceful and respectful togetherness.


08.01.2024 08:00 Individuelle Beratung
11.09.2024 17:00 Erzählcafé & Infobüro im Augarten
13.09.2024 14:00 Erzählcafé & Infobüro
18.09.2024 17:00 Erzählcafé & Infobüro im Augarten
20.09.2024 14:00 Erzählcafé & Infobüro
25.09.2024 17:00 Erzählcafé & Infobüro im Augarten

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aktuelle Bilder

6 Jahre gemma!Kultur ErlebenErzählcafé im Augartengemma! NACHHALTIGOnline-ErzählcaféErzählcafé im Stadtpark

Mehr Bilder


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