Hier findest du einen Überblick über unsere laufenden und abgeschlossenen Projekte.

Study buddies needed!
Our participants are always looking for people who can help them with certain languages, topics and/or school subjects. That's why we at gemma! are keen to create a directory of dedicated and interested helpers who would be willing to support our participants.
If you are interested in becoming a study buddy, please don't hesitate to contact us!
Simply send us an email at office@gemma.group, or call us on +43 677 61979881
Thanks for your suppor …
gemma! NACHHALTIG war ein Sensibilisierungsprojekt zum Thema Klimawandel im Sommer 2022. Durch interaktive, informative und mehrsprachige Workshops beschäftigten wir uns mit der Natur, unserem Konsumverhalten, dem nachhaltigen Kochen, der Textilindustrie und vielem mehr. Auf einen Klick findest du hier Bilder vom Projekt sowie einen Überblick über die Projektaktivität …
gemma! plaudern II
Deutsch Syrisches Arabisch Farsi/Dari
gemma! plaudern II umfasst häufig verwendete, alltags- und umgangssprachliche Wörter, Redewendungen und Sprichwörter im syrischen Arabisch und in Farsi bzw. Dari, ergänzt durch die entsprechende deutsche Übersetzung und eine eigens ausgearbeitete Lautschrift. Es widmet sich den Themen Kennenlernen & Unterhaltung, Gefühle, K&o …
gemma! plaudern
gemma! was invited to the 3rd Intercultural Family Festival at the Bildungshaus Schloss St. Martin and asked to hold two workshops. One of these workshops was about languages, more specifically Arabic and Dari, which our participants introduced to the festival visitors.
But how do you teach people a language that is so different from their own? And how do you do it without a suitable textbook? You write your own, of course! This was how the id …
gemma! NÄHEN
As part of a two-month-long project entitled "let's sew", our participants have been sewing unique and exclusive gemma! bags.
Here is the story behind them: In the summer, a few of our participants visited the Community Café & Information Office at Schießstattgasse wearing very pretty, self-made rucksack-style bags, which they had made in class. It gave us the idea to start up a little project, in which our participants could …
T-Shirts by gemma!
Screen printing is a process that involves printing a motif onto a piece of fabric using a special screen. So far, so good. However, the process is not as simple as it seems. To clarify it, Julian held a total of four workshops at the Roter Keil, which were free and open to all participants.
Indeed, we printed like crazy! Since our members expressed a wish to have their own gemma! T-shirts at the general assembly, we decided to take matters into …
Furniture making workshop
gemma! organised a four-part furniture making workshop. Spread out over four weekends, it enabled a small group to make their own furniture...
Make your own furniture? Yes, you can... As part of this multi-day workshop, participants made their own pieces of furniture from scratch. Everybody started off with a building plan and some untreated planks of wood. With each different step in the production process, participants learned about different …
Außerordentliche Projekte
Projects at FWS
Workshops an der Freien Waldofrschule Graz
Sommersemester 2018
Leitziel: Ein respektvolles, kooperatives und schöpferisches Miteinander aller 120 OberstufenschülerInnen der Freien Waldorfschule Graz zu schaffen.
Das Projekt umfasste sieben Workshops: Tanz, Presse, Kreatives Kochen, Erzählungen und Gedichte, Kreatives Gestalten, DJing und Projektmanagement.
Am Ende wurden die Ergebnisse der Workshopgruppen bei eine …